Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Take It Like a Man and Wear a Bulletproof Bra

I was taking a break from who-knows-what a few nights ago and turned on the TV. I was channel surfing when I came across Larry King Live and Donald Trump was the guest. Right as I settled into the channel, the combover king himself was telling the suspenders king that when he is attacked, he attacks back - harder. Of course he was talking about his feud with Rosie O'Donnell. It wasn't Mr. Poutyface's fault that he was talking about it. The Frogface man kept asking him about it. I wanted to yell at Larry that the feud was soooo Spring 2007. It's almost Winter. Time to move on. But I just didn't have the heart to yell at him. The guy's gotta be about a hundred years old so he probably didn't remember asking the same question two seconds earlier.

But the whole topic got me thinking and I wondered 'would the Donald attack back harder if his attackers were, well, a bit on the wimpy side?'

Case in point, there's a woman in a forum directing a post to me and then deleting it from the message board but it shows up in the daily digest email. After getting a ton of offline email from people asking me about it, I decided to check it out. So I instant messaged said-woman to ask why she deleted it and she replied (and I quote verbatimly) "I thought it was too bitchy." Well hot dang sweetcakes, you just described yourself perfectly.

And then another chick was boo-hoo'ing that I hadn't kowtowed to some apologies. Hon, how are you ever going to survive in the corporate world if you don't put on a bulletproof bra? I say the same to you as I say to any guy in prison who's about to endure rough times - just bend over, bite real hard into your pillow, and take it like a man. The same can be said about constructive criticism.

I'm not one to pamper people's hindparts with my desiccated lips. It just ain't my style.

And the Donald would approve. He gets me. After all, as he said on Larry King Live the other night, he knows beauty. Yep, the Donald knows Tasha.


  1. Go Tasha! I am totally on your side here!

  2. Funny post! I hope you've got your bullet proof bra on.

  3. If I am having a bad day, I can always count on your blog to make me laugh! Keep it up!

  4. Tash, you are (as always) right on target here! Just, uh, try not to keep parting your hair so far to the left...
