Friday, October 19, 2007

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Program...

756 new and unique visitors came to this blog yesterday!! Are you guys frigging crazy?!?! This is better than I could have ever asked for. Talk about word-of-mouth advertising. Hot Digity!!!

First of all, many thanks to the 34 members of both forums for emailing offline yesterday to express your support. That was incredibly kind. I also don't want you to put any more thought or energy into it. After spending 15 minutes (10 to write my blog post and 5 to write a 'thanks for the promo' message), it was out of my head and I was busy with my daily life.

To my daily blogging buddies, you guys rock!! Your inspiration, support, and friendship is heads above all else!

I hope you 756 visitors come back again. Feel free to browse around the blog and leave a comment. If you're new to this site, here's a brief background/bio.

My name is Tasha in this blog but it's really Melissa. I love the name Tasha Kent because it honors the capital city of Uz - Tashkent. So I'm keeping the name. I'm obviously going through the adoption process. I'm 40 years old. I am the creative director for a large international company. I also own three spas throughout North America. I am an artist; currently I have my work on display in Tokyo, Japan and Bilbao, Spain. My passions are cycling and rowing. I have a weakness for anything Peanut Butter & chocolate. I won't think twice about buying my daily Starbucks coffee but will fret for hours over whether or not to fork over the four bucks to buy hydrocortisone cream to soothe the Poison Ivy rash I got over the weekend.

I work on this blog during the little bits of free time I have during the work day. I have a policy to not spend more than 20 minutes on it. However, I will spend more than 20 minutes just visiting everyone else's blog. I get my ideas and inspiration for the postings from this everyday insane world. I am surrounded by funny and creative people so there's never a shortage of material to use. I am in the midst of writing a book about the adoption process. It will be on the comedic side. I'm almost finished with it but more chapters keep popping up on a weekly basis.

Oh yeah, I'm also an ordained minister.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay!


  1. What are the names of your spas? What is the name of your company? Finally, please provide me with the names of the galleries showing your work. I'd love to see it, Melissa.

  2. Sure thing! You can contact me via email (it's in the About Me) section.

  3. No. If you are all about being open and honest, go ahead and share this information here.

  4. Does anyone sense the Anon is a bitter and fragile woman who has too much time on her hands?

    Sweetie, get a life.

  5. Anonymous (why did you not sign your name at the end of your comment if you have no problem with Tasha doing so?) - it's not about being open and honest. Please redirect your anger elsewhere.

    I wouldn't post that sort of information over the Internet. It's reckless and juvenile to demand someone do it. How much information a blogger divulges is up to them. You have no right to question Tasha's integrity. This is Tasha's adoption blog - the content and the level of information she makes public is up to no one but her. Especially while waiting for a referral.

    Please behave as an adult. We are all in this adoption process together. Why hate?

    p.s. I also don't post by my full name on my blog, for security purposes.

  6. Hey Tash,

    It's really important that you just go ahead and post your phone number, street address, and place of birth, year, make and model of car, favorite brand of toothpaste.

    Also, do you dip your knife back into the mayonnaise jar after wiping it on bread? You know this leaves crumbs in the mayo, not sure if I want to associate with people like that.

  7. G-
    I don't like mayo so I'm homefree there. But, sadly, I do double dip the knife into the peanut butter jar... but that's only AFTER I let my dog lick it clean. So I think I'm in the clear here because there are no bread crumbs in the pb jar.

  8. I'm an art collector and TK's work is, by far, the best investment we've ever made, not to mention being owners of her brilliant interpretations of post-modernism in the post 2K, global economy. TK, I was wondering if have you finished that that colossal canvas we discussed in May, when we saw each other in Cannes? Let me know so I can have it cleared for customs, and we'll wire you the remainder. Ciao.

  9. Tasha or Melissa, or whatever you're name is --- you are obviously saddled with the terrible character defect of being a hopeless under achiever. (Is under achiever one word or two -- whatever.)

    In any case, if all you did was make me laugh -- I'd like you just the same!

  10. Girl you are amazing. I had no idea you owned spas and you are an artist too. I've known you for awhile and had no clue.

