Thursday, July 3, 2008

Translating 'ew' and 'ick' into Adoption Costs

Men. Especially married men. Those married to gorgeous women.

If you're like me, you've been tickled pink with the sordid details coming from Christy Brinkley's divorce trial. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband spent $3,000 a frigging month to pay for online porn sites. Oh.. here's an 'eww..ick' factor.. he used his webcam to film himself 'spanking his monkey.'

So.. let's take a look here how all this naughtiness could pay for an adoption.

$50 (notary, certification, apostille fees)
$15,000 (agency fees) ((NOTE: He spent up to $80k.. but I'll just do a 1-month breakdown))
$2000 for Christmas Day Romp (travel fees) ((NOTE: spent up to $35k))
$3000 (homestudy) ((NOTE: I feel bad putting her picture in it but no one really knows who he is when pictured alone.))

And there you have it.


  1. Bwahahaha!

    I mean...eww...ick...

  2. dayum what a waste of good money!!

  3. Love the math! And btw, if I were to spank MY Monkey, the last thing I'd do is video it! (Oh, you meant.....)

  4. Tasha...

    When I was doing my homestudy, etc I read an article about how Britney stayed at a 50K a NIGHT hotel. It made me bitter. I mean, she could have stayed home and kicked us down some green lovin' and then we'd all be happy, right???

    It puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

    Poor Peter Cook...he really blew a good thing...

    Also, didn't Charlie Sheen just get married again? What is THAT about? I mean, how do they keep a straight face while saying their vows?

    But I digress...

  5. AHHH!!! HA HAHA HA! Hilar-ious!


  6. I always think of things in terms of adoption money... but I've never thought of it when icky men get busted! Good thinking! :)

  7. OMG! You nailed it girl!!!! :-) FREAKS!! lol

  8. I agree with Bev...what a waste of good money.
