Thursday, June 12, 2008

Milking My Maternity Leave

Leave it to the alcohol companies. They are the true corporations looking out for your best interest.

If you're like me, you're in a dead-end job with a shitty maternity leave policy. I get something like four weeks off. Really, how much bonding can you with a kid that has spent her/his entire infancy in an orphanage without daily one-on-one interaction? It totally sucks.

So while drowning my misery in a few bottles of Mike's Hard Ale.. I came across their new viral marketing campaign. It totally rocks. It creates a fake news story about you..explaining why you ain't at work.

It also sends an email to your boss that reads:

Dear Dickhead (my words),

Because of what happened, I'm not going to make it in to work. You might think I'm just enjoying a summer day off in my backyard BBQing, but I'm really not.

I'm not sure if you saw my story on the local news so here's the link.

Click Here To See The News Story


Click on it.. it's cool and safe for work.


Julie said...

You know it is a reputable story when prefaced by,"According to a Carney..."

Kelli said...

I'm gonna need to make about 5 of these videos since I get 4 frickin' days....

Kelli said...

PS- I'm not bitter

Susan said...

Now THAT'S freakin' hilarious!

And useful - but only so many times.

Jocelyn said...

That is sooooo funny!! I Love it!!

Tanya said...

I love it!! Am totally using it for its "intended"" purpose! ha ha

Anonymous said...

haha! that's good!

hazel said...

I admit, I became verklempt when I saw your picture up on the TV.

I'm going to make one for an upcoming emergency that will occur some very hot day next month.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!! But I'm sorry that all of your carnival toys are scattered throughout the parking lot. :(

Ranavan said...

Can I just say that it is disgusting how few days you momma's in the U.S. get for should move on up to Canada :)

I hope you managed to finally get off the zipper and get your wallet, keys, change etc. back!

Suzanne said...

With deepest sympathy for your recent harrowing experience.

BTW, exactly which "canrnival toys" did you win...and then lose?


Barbara said...

That still only gives you an extra 3 days. You need to build in some sort of injury so you can drag it out a bit longer.