Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Momma Ain't Running in Her Newly Pedicured Toes


Once they realize what purpose the legs serve, they are nonstop. Running everywhere and every which way.

Well, Momma ain't running after Babyluv every two minutes. I've got a martini to nurse, toenails to paint, and television to watch. I really can't be bothered working up a sweat looking like a branded pig running after a squealing toddler.

So I found this nifty gadget (and a swanky accessory to boot) that has a GPS installed. So, I'll let Babyluv run around to her heart's content and during commerical breaks or when my toenails are dry and drinking glass is empty, I'll just sashay a few blocks and bring Babyluv home.

The gadget is called Retreiva. Nevermind that it's a dog collar. It's actually the world's most advanced dog collar. So take that!

Plus, dog collars are the 'in' thing. It looks like high-tech fashion.


RamblingMother said...

I need that for the 4 year old who always wants to take a walkin'.

Kelli said...

Hmmm...I could use about 18 of those in my classroom.

Dani said...

Heck do those things come in extra large, I could use one of those for my husband.

hazel said...

I'm going to order one now. No way in hell am I letting some kid cut into my drinking time.


Susan said...

Yep, just as soon as my nails dry I'm gonna put my glass down and order one.

Who am I kidding...I need it NOW!

Anonymous said...

I wish you the very best on your adoption Journey..

Mommy a Mayn Princess Abby
home Nov 2006

Anonymous said...

I am with Dani! I need one for my husband!