Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Say Goodbye to the Anal Probe

I've been warned. When picking up Babyluv at the orphanage, unbeknownst to her, she'll probably be hosting a party for parasites and other germs. (She gets her party animal ways from me. woot! woot!) Moreover, she'll most likely have a fever every now and then due to the change in her environment.

My fear is that I'll have to do the dreaded rectal temperature taking. I can't even bear to watch my vet take my dog's temperature. I just know I won't be able to violate Babyluv's 'bad touch' region.

Thank goodness I found this nifty gadget. It's a pacificer thermometer. How cool is this?!?


Anonymous said...

That is VERY cool...there's also one that you just roll over their forehead (temporal artery thermometer). Either one beats the heck out of the OTHER way in my book!

kitdem said...

I actually use that thing with my daughter!

Dani said...

And if you can't get her to open up, there's also one that goes under the arm.... way kewl, I might have to get all three. (The roll over the forehead, paci, and the arm one..... I'm with you no way am I gonna tell my little angel to roll over or to "drop 'em" Dano.

Susan said...

I was told in the orphanage that they took all the kiddies temps daily. All's I know is that the first time I came towards my little monkey girl with a thermometer, she rolled right onto her belly and stuck her tushy up in the air. (Yes, I know 100 guys who'd pay to see a girl who does that!)

None of these wussy thermometers in OUR house! :-)

Tami said...

So you finally have something worthwhile on here. LOL