Thursday, May 1, 2008


Somehow I know this is a match made in heaven.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Your referral? If you are not teasing that is great, congrads

KelleyO said...

Is this for real?? I hope that's a picture of your very own babyluv!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

hazel said...


Exactly WHOSE referral??????????

Stop messin' around!

hazel said... that kid taking a toke?

Susan said...

Ah, the hours you two will spend...uhhh....geeez...hey, mom, how'd we spend those hours again?

Kelli said...

Aw, babyluv already has a bad habit!

Dianne said...

only yours, Tasha, only yours

(lol! Teasing is mean!)

Anonymous said...

*L* A match made in heaven for sure.

Anonymous said...

I so hope this means what I think it means! For real????

Julie said...

For Realz?

Anonymous said...

looks like the kid will be very chill, but with a bad case of the munchies.

Cari said...

Wow -- were you expecting this?

Anonymous said...

Are you naming her Mary Jane?

Jocelyn said...

HEE HEE!! You are too funny!!

Maria said...

Referral or "Reefer"girl?

Barbara said...

i was about to do the "eeks" and "squeaks" and then saw that many of you appeared to be doubting thomas'. so i'm toning down my excitement until i see further evidence. and if she is yours - you know the babyluv label is hers forever...

Stacie said...

Here I was almost in tears until I looked more closely and then said, out loud to my computer, "Oh Tasha!" I just talked to my computer. Sheeyat.

And then I thought this was a secret code, but I'm wrong there too.

Damn girl! You best not make us wait til Monday for the news on this crazy post! :)

QB said...

Whoa, dude. Sweet.

Mamacita said...

Are you serious? She's adorable! She has my chins! Congratulations! We need details, please!

Mamacita said...

OK, I'm obviously NOT high. My sense of humor is completely gone as far as referrals go.

Michele said...

Come on and fess up. Is she for real? I sure hope so.

Operationtigerlily said...

Mry Jane is just beautiful. Happy referral! Can't wait for details.

AhsMom said...

A referral????? Fantastic news!!!! Congrats.

Julie said...

You have to let us know. Really.

Tami said...

I'm framing that picture of BabyLuv!

J said...

Tasha! Come on over to the lounge & tell us all about it. We're all wondering!

Anonymous said...

Is that your baby...wowee a referral. Seriously? I am happy for you!!