Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chicken or the Egg

It's like having that emergency earthquake kit in your closet. You know it's going to hit but you just don't know when. That's how I felt today when I went to register my unknown daughter for daycare. The owner of the center must have thought I was a mental case when I went to apply.

Her: Do you have a son or daughter?
Me: I don't know. I asked for a daughter.
Her: How old is she?
Me: I don't know. I don't even know who she is.
Her: When do you want her to start daycare?
Me: I don't know. But, let's register for starting in January

I read where it took 2 years for one family to get their child last year from Uzbekistan because their paperwork sat on someone's desk for 18 months. Yet, I'm still hanging on to the belief of what most agencies have told me: an average of 6-9 months from starting the dossier process to 'gotcha day.'

1 comment:

walternatives said...

I've just found your blog and wanted to say Hi. We're adopting from China and are caught in the quagmire that that program now is.
Happy to have found you!