Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stick It To Me

I got my travel itinerary from my agency. Along with it was a list of what to bring. And wouldn'cha know it.. I gotta bring something like a trillion dollars in crisp, unmarked 100 dollar bills.

Holy Jesus with a can of Spam!!! People have been known to be mugged and killed for much less than that!

Since I have a natural proclivity to walk in dark alleys at night, I'm nervous to the core. What if someone tries to stab me and take my money???

Relax, Tash, I said. I found just the thing. Nihon Uni has created a shirt that will protect against stab wounds. According to the website: The shirt are made from a thicker fiber that is three times stronger than the cotton used for an average T-shirt.

It is made from ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fiber, which is equal to the aramid fiber which is used in body armor. Conveniently the shirt is still machine washable. It will be released in Japan in June in both a T-shirt and long sleeve form. The long sleeve will be sold for $220-590 and the short-sleeved version for $190-522."

p.s. Yes, that's me modeling the shirt.
p.s.s. Okay.. maybe not.
p.s.s.s No.. it's me.
p.s.s.s.s. Not
p.s.s.s.s.s It is.


hazel said...

Oh Tasha, we know that's not you - her boobs are too small.

I'm sticking with my kevlar vest, even if it's not washable.

Anonymous said...

How could one have a complete wardrobe WITHOUT a $500 t-shirt?!?

Maria said...

Forget the shirt - congrats on a travel itinerary ~~ that's totally awesome (ouch, didn't I sound like an 80s Valley girl?). Do they come in black? That's my choice -- it's more slimming.

Kelli said...

I would have to agree- I will need black. Wait a second, maybe I could enter a wet t-shirt contest in country and pay for some of the adoption.

Stacie said...

Your boobs look fabulous in that shirt! You should wear it ALL the time!

littlebluecottage said...

Nothing like a shirt made of fossil fuels to make the boobs lift and seperate.

If you want tips on hiding me.


Barbara said...

You know, if there was some sort of impromptu wet tshirt contest, you probably couldn't enter it with that shirt on........ just a thought.

Dani said...

Dang Tasha you sure do clean up good. My question is are you gonna have to get your passport picture retaken now that you're all citified?

Susan said...

Backwards and inside out, with the label showing in front? Yeah, that's you.

Seems like a must-have travel item. And machine washable, just in case it doesn't really work so well!

McMary said...

Congrats on your travel itinerary!!!!!!!!!
Does the shirt come in multiple colors--one for every day?