Friday, January 25, 2008

Double Shift, Double Cheeseburger, Double Trouble

I'm whacked, ya'll. Adoption ain't cheap.

There's all this panic in the IA world about blogging fundraising being a huge diplomatic no-no.

Doesn't matter much for me because no one is clicking on the 'enlarge yourself' ads on the right side of this blog.

To keep my budget down, I've been fine dining on Mickey D's dollar menu item - the double cheeseburger.

I'm thinking of taking a second job.. maybe at McD's so I can eat for free. Maybe I'll even take my double cheeseburger stuffed lard ass to the Beaver Hut and start dancing for extra income.


Stacie said...

That is seriously the most disturbing picture I've seen (lately). I'm going to have trouble getting that image out of my mind. But, suddenly fries sound really good.

hazel said...

I didn't need to see that...

Anonymous said...

I didn't really need to see it either...I'm pretending you're the fancy jeans singer in the background. BTW - you've been tagged!

Jocelyn said...

I don't know if I can ever eat there again..thanks for saving me some calories:-)

ferenge mama said...

wow. that's, um.... wow.

Matthew Ruley said...

Wow. "I'll have a Big Mac and Supersize it" suddenly has taken on a new meaning for me. I don't think those words will ever pass my lips again!

crazylady said...

Each Happy Meal has a prize inside.

I always knew Ron was a perv. All mimes who wear white makeup are FREAKS.

Snowflowers Mum said...

dont eat it....your soul will be lost forever.

I'll send you some tofu.

the adoption fundraising is scarey...we did it and now so many are freaking out about it.

Suzanne said...

Honestly, the only thing more disturbing than a clown is a clown flashing armpit hair. Gak.

-Suzanne "My Child Will Never Have A Clown At Her Birthday Party" B

Headmeister said...

Dude, that pic is just seriously wrong. Disturbing and wrong. I think I might have to email it to a few ppl now.

"M2" said...

I'm having nightmares now