Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Still Get My Starbucks and Spa Days

Nothing's too good for my baby. Just as long as someone else buys it. And since I'm not on a sugardaddy's payroll, I have to resort to doing-it-myself.

Let's talk about cribs. Do you realize how expensive those cages are? If you figure that you only use those massive things for two years, it ends up being more expensive than a daily indulgence of a venti Starbucks coffee. And even I think that's too much.

And rocking horses. Those are cool toys and can be entertaining for hours on end. But even at garage sales, those things go for $25 minimum. Something about how it's a retro vintage thingy.

I figured that a crib and rocking horse together is going to run me about $400. That's the same cost as 3 days at an exclusive spa/resort. So.. when weighing the options of what's more important... spa wins.

But that's okay, I found an easy way to construct both the crib and horse. Sooo simple and sooo earth friendly. The rocking horse is going to take me under an hour to make.


Holly said...

Baby stuff is outrageous, isn't it? This is why I'm a craigslist junkie!

(Seriously, there are cribs on there for $50 all the time...)

QB said...

Don't you have a dresser drawer you can just clean out and leave open, lined with some towels or something?

Mamacita said...

Please post results. I love that you can make your own stuff. Very cool!

Carissa said...

Those are too much! But I agree with katy!

Jen said...

the cardboard box cradle is the best! How simple is that?? Plus you can recycle!

I'm with you on the crazy cost of this gear. I was hoping to score some hand me downs...but all my buddies are holding on to their stuff in case baby number 3, 4, etc...comes along.

Snowflowers Mum said...

wish we'd gone the craigslist route on the crib...but I learnt my lesson.

ALL my kids furniture is now craigslist or ebay. We have vintage beds, old shabby dressers and I even snagged a $1800 dresser for $130 out of a house in Beverly hills! Talk about bargain!

I love mod minimal stuff, love danish design, but that stuff costs!

I'd go to the spa too!


Anonymous said...

Good for the environment, good for the mama. Baby needs a pedicure.

Jocelyn said...

You should definitely go to the spa...I have solutions...Just use a drawer for the crib and go to the shelter and get a dog for the rocking horse:-)

Matthew Ruley said...

I'm thinking cardboard box for crib. I mean, why use up that good space in the dresser? Don't you need that for your Channel, Gucci, and Kate Spade things? Prioritize your space!

ferenge mama said...

it's crazy.

I got my crib from Ikea, which means it's practically free. And just about everything else is a hand-me-down. :-0

Cavatica said...

Any good consignment shops near you? We have a great baby one and happily Starbucks is practically next door!

hazel said...

The cardboard crib - it would be good until the kid pees her way through it. I agree - use a dresser drawer.

The rocking horse - is THAT what they call that thing?? Come on! It gives me pains in my lady parts just thinking about sitting on it.

RamblingMother said...

very cool. did you post instructions or were those linked? Do post your pics when you are done. Mortimers mom found a cardboard playsink and I am so thinking of doing that.


Tammie said...

This is so great..........I lucked out........i got my crib/toddler bed, changing table/dresser and shelves for $200.