Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm Here to Help You So You Can Read My Blog

It's okay ya'll. Just keep reading and continue to visit. I've got something that's going to save you your job (although not necessarily your sanity).

So how often have you found yourself addicted to adoption blogs, looking at porn, and reading even more adoption blogs and forums at work, only to have your boss bust in on you?

If you're like me, you start clicking like a madwoman trying to get something else to show up on your screen. I hate to break it to you but it’s usually pretty obvious that you weren’t actually working. If you really want to continue to enjoy my blog (shameless plug) at work on a regular basis, you might consider investing in the marvelous Thanko Phantom Mouse brought to you by the creative Japanese.

How exactly is a mouse going to help you out? Well, most mice really wouldn’t do much, however, this little guy has a special red button that could save your job. When the “Phantom button” is clicked, one of two things will happen, depending on how you have it set up. You can either have it minimize all programs, or you can have it bring a particular program to the front of your screen. Personally, I’d have it do the latter.

The price for this peace of mind is only $24.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is pretty neat and useful!

Jen said...

I like that! I would set it to bring up a really complicated spreadsheet in small font....preferably sanskrit.

Stacie said...

I so could have used this when I was working! I even moved my desk around so the rest of the office couldn't see my screen. It was terrible. Good thing I'm not working anymore and I can sit here (poor) and read blogs all freaking day. I think maybe I should get a job- especially now that I could continue to read blogs all day! Fabulous!

hazel said...

This is great. I would go for option 2 as well. I don't know if my boss would want to see me staring blankly at the Aragorn picture on my Desktop.

Mamacita said...

I so NEED that, but not for my boss, but for my husband, who sees me on the blogs AGAIN and is distressed and perplexed.....Hey! at least I'm not shopping online!

Special K said...

What a great idea! I totally need this. At work I'm constantly trying to listen for footsteps coming down the hall so I can click off the internet as fast as possible. LOL!

Dianne said...

I SO need this. In a bad way.

Kelli said...

I really need one of these- as long as my students don't get ahold of it!

Anonymous said...

Peace of mind for 24 bucks...who knew?!?

Barbara said...

Uzie, you are a minister to your people.

Anonymous said...

Love it. But I need to get a job so I can read the blogs. Wait..I already do that at home??

Matthew Ruley said...


AhsMom said...

I totally NEED one of those!!!

My biggest helper at work is the fact that the person who had my desk before me turned it around in the cubicle so now I am facing out and the screen is facing me and the wall. It gives me a few extra seconds to click away.