Friday, February 15, 2008

Yipes! Stripes!

I'm kind of with this preschool I'm going to be telling you about. The way kids are being dressed today - it's a bit insane. And sometimes just too cutesy-cutesy for my taste. However, as a soon to be momma, you can be damned sure I'm going to exercise my haute couture rights when it comes to putting frocks on my kid.

According to an Associated Press article, this preschool in Sweden is being criticized for banning children from wearing striped and spotted clothing; the patterns give one of the teachers severe migraines. The school's staff urged parents to dress their kids monochromatically, but some parents are not happy.

Actually, when you think about it. Aren't the Swedes the ones who introduced us to striped kids clothes? I remember all the rage of Hanna Andersson and their 'playdress/daydress' crapola. $34 for their dresses when I can just cut a hole in a pillowcase and call it a dress.


Barbara said...

I think that migrane plagued person needs to find a new job. If stripes and dots give a migrane, what about all the kid- screeching?
Those pillow case dresses scare the bejesus out of me. And how come it's a hootsie company? Who buys the freaky things?

littlebluecottage said...


I can just tell that you're going to cave and you are going to be buying overly priced clothes for baby girl. Just wait....

habesha child said...

i'm a fan of simple kid clothes. i swear i would rather have my child NAKED than sporting some logo or (god forbid) Disney character.

I'm ok with stripes and dots, though. As long as my kid isn't pimping someone's corporate brand, i'm good.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...she needs a new job!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the second comment but consider yourself tagged :)

los cazadores said...

Cut a hole in a pillow case...that's hilarious. And true. We could go broke over the kids fashion corporate colonialist america is trying to push on us. Revolt!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you on Hanna Anderson - somehow they have me on their catalogue list and everything is a floral top with stipey bottoms.