Friday, September 14, 2007

Oh.. My Lazy Ass Is Happy!!

I've been lazy lately. You probably noticed that with all my video postings to interpret my feelings, etc. And now I learned that I can continue to be lazy for the next 16 years.

I dug up this golden nugget from the Disney Corporation from 1946(!) explaining the menstrual cycle. Hot dang! Now I don't have to rack my brain trying to find a delicate way to explain to my daughter why mommy's cranky every month and what's happening to her body.

It even tells her that yes! you can bathe during that time, you can exercise, but in moderation only, and if you are sad, take 'those days' in stride. Also, you can dance with a boy, but "don't get carried away." Translation: Don't have period sex!
Mommy's translation: Don't have sex, period!

Gotta love Walt.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I would be a tad leary of any collaboration between Kotex and Disney...that was actually pretty funny and TOTALLY outdated.