Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Udderly Delightful

Still no word on the adoption front. Called Dennis Kucinich's office to get them to expedite my passport renewal. It's been 11 weeks.

In other news, I'm killing time reading an earlier article that yes, I can breastfeed my adopted baby. According to La Leche, "Adoptive mothers may be able to induce lactation by using a breast pump every 2-3 hours, either before the baby comes or after. Some also use a device such as the Medela Supplemental Nursing System or the Lact-Aid Nurser Training System. These both enable you to feed your baby while he is at your breast. This way, your baby gets enough milk while stimulating your body to produce your own milk. The key to all this is that the more stimulation your breasts receive, either by pump or baby, the more likely milk will be produced. Mothers who have breastfed adopted babies often say that having achievable goals for inducing lactation helped them feel successful in the long run."

I don't know what 'achievable goals for inducing lactation' means but I'll confess - I'm a little weirded out.
Now if I could just learn how to bake cookies, I'd have snack time all covered.


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa! I'm Jennifer from the Uzbek group. And I happen to be an LLL leader. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about breastfeeding an adopted baby.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Melissa (GDS from Guatemala's "Redhead" here)...

I was with you when I first read about the possibility of breastfeeding an adopted baby. I knew about the simulators that were available for the baby but had no idea that a woman could produce milk just about anytime she feels like it! Kind of weirded me out too!

But let me tell you what's REALLY funny...

Telling all the people who know you are adopting that you plan to breastfeed (I'm not)!!! You should see their eyes widen and the color totally drain from their faces. It's absolutely hysterical! And almost funnier when you set the record straight but still tell them it's POSSIBLE should you change your mind between now and when the baby comes home!!!!

Tami said...

I had no idea it was even possible...interesting. Ummm...who knew. I say go for it!

Dianne said...

lol... yeah... telling people that it's even an option is GREAT for the shock factor. I'm having fun with that one.

Jen said...

Are you seriously considering this? If so, give Laurie at Pho for Four a shout out. I think she said she really wanted to do this for their second adoption.

As for me, I'm gonna stick with bottles.